Closure of schools without proper permission/ recognisation

 File No. ESE02-17021/12/2020-PESHI-CSE Dt:21/10/2020

Sub: School Education – Private Schools – Functioning of private un-aided
schools without proper permission/ recognisation from the
competent authority – Closure of schools – Instructions Issued –

Read:Lr.Rc.No:179/A2/2020, dt:19.09.2020 of the Regional Joint Director
of School Education, Visakhapatnam

The RJDSEs/DEOs are aware that the permission for establishment
of schools under private managements and their regulations are governed
as per the rules issued and modified by Government from time to time. In
the rules it was made clear that all the educational institutions should
necessarily have proper permission/recognition from the competent
authority and any educational institution should not be allowed to function
without permission to start from the authority. The Right to Education Act2009 too prohibits the existence of un-recognized schools. Keeping in view
the welfare of the students, existence of such schools is needed to be
curtailed instantaneously.

Even then it came to the notice of the Director of School Education
that several un-recognized educational institutions under private
managements are mushrooming in the areas, pointing to the lack of
proper surveillance, and admitting the children with connived propaganda.
Existence of such schools may, ostensibly, mar the academics of
ignoramus students and educational system. Besides, some of the field  officers are allowing the schools to function on the ground that the
proposal for opening/ up-gradation/ recognition is under process.

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Officers are allowing the schools to function on the ground that the
proposal for opening/ up-gradation/ recognition is under process.
Therefore, all the RJDSEs and the DEOs in the State are requested

1. Issue suitable instructions to the Deputy Educational Officer,
Mandal Educational Officer etc., to identify the schools, functioning
without proper permission/ recognition immediately. 

2. Issue the show cause notices to the un-recognised institutions to
close down immediately. 

3. If any institution fails to respond to the show cause notice, get such
schools closed down forcibly with the help of the local police and
impose penalty on those schools as per rules in vogue. 

4. Make the list of Un-recognized schools of the District/ Mandal
available with the Mandal Educational Officer/ Deputy Educational
Officer so that the lists are accessible to the students/parents. 

5. Give wide publicity using Social media to enlighten the parents not
to join their children in any un-recognized school. 

6. Ensure that the periodical inspections are done by the Dy.E.Os/MEOs
properly and remedial steps are taken at the appropriate time for
closure of un-recognized schools. 

7. The District Educational Officers and Regional Joint Directors of
School Education shall also visit the schools randomly and initiate
action instantaneously.




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