Memo.No. ESE02-20021/143/2020-RECTMT-CSE Dt:19/12/2020
Sub:- School Education- Limited Recruitment-2020- Uploading of
Vacancies-Certain instructions issued- Regarding.
1. Govt Memo.ESE01-SED0CSE(RECT)/147/2019-Exams
2. Govt Memo.ESE01-SED0CSE(RECT)/24/2020-Exams
While communicating a copy of Govt memos along with its enclosures
to all the District Educational Officers in the state and they are requested to
verify the unfilled vacancies in DSC-2018 to the post of School Assistants
Except Tel and Hin, SGT(Except Tel), Language Pandits Except Tel and Hin
and Music and upload the vacancies in the weblink provided and submit the
Hardcopies as per the proforma-I to this office immediately.