Amma vodi launching instructions

 Rc.No. ESE02-28021/27/2020-PLG -CSE Dt: 07/01/2021


 Sub School Education –Planning – NAVARATNALU – Jagananna Ammavodi
Programme 2020-21- Financial Assistant of Rs.15,000/- per annum to each
mother or recognized guardian who is below poverty line household and
sending their children to Schools/Colleges i.e., from Classes I to XII
(Intermediate Education)- Guidelines to launch of the programme on 11-
01-2020 for the academic year 2020-2021-Orders- Requested – Regarding

Read: – 1. G.O.Ms.No.79, School Education (Prog.II) Dept., 4.11.2019. 2.
e-office file no. ESE02-28021/27/2020-PLG -CSE, dated 07.12.2020 towards
implementation of AMMAVODI for the year 2020-2021. 3. G.O.Ms.No.63, School
Education (Prog.II) Dept., 28.12.2020.

ORDER: In order to ensure that poverty of the parents does not come in the way
of educating their children, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has announced
and launched a unique and innovative scheme “JAGANANNA AMMAVODI.” Releasing
financial assistance of Rs. 15,000/- per annum to each mother or recognized
guardian from Below Poverty Line (BPL) families that are sending their
children to schools or colleges from Class I to XII (Intermediate Education)
in all Govt. and Pvt. recognized management schools / colleges in the State.


2. The Hon’ble Chief Minister, Government of Andhra Pradesh is going to launch
the prestigious flagship programme “Jagananna Ammavodi” for the academic year
2020-21 on 11-01-2021 at Nellore.

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3. Therefore, all the District Educational officers/Regional Joint Directors
of School Education in the state are requested to make necessary arrangements
to launch of “JAGANANNA AMMAVODI.” scheduled 11th of January, 2021 in all
government schools, aided schools and unaided schools as per the guidelines
annexed to this orders for the said launch. Similar launch shall be arranged
in all assembly constituencies in the state and the Hon’ble Members of
Legislative Assemblies are requested to participate for launching the program
in the schools of their choice withing their constituency. Liaison Officers be
appointed by the District Education Officers to coordinate such launch at
constituency level.

4. The expenditure for conduct of the said programme may be met from School
Annual Grants of the respective schools. 

5. Commissioner, Intermediate Education is requested to issue similar
instructions for organising the launch in all government, aided and private
junior colleges in the state on 11-1-2021.  
