Creative learning space for both children and teachers – Submission of Google form all ATL Schools

 Procs.Rc.No.ESE02/970/2021-SCERT Date:25/11/2021

Sub: Andhra Pradesh – Director of School Education – Creative learning space for
both children and teachers – Submission of Google form Through online of
all ATL Schools – Request –Regarding

Ref:-1)Mail received from Sri.SheshagiriMadhusudhan, Educational Specialist,
2) Proc.Rc.No.ESE02/775/2021-SCERT Dated: 06/11/2021 From The Director
of School Education
3)Lr from M.Yogasree, Program training manager Dated. 18.11.2021.


 The attention of the District Educational Ofcers of the state are invited to
the refferece cited wherein UNICEF along with VIGYAN ASHRAM would like to
collaborate with SAMAGRA SHIKSHA to strengthen the education department’s
capacities to develop ATLs as creative and experiential learning spaces at the
secondary and level. The approach will involve both online and offine (onsite)
modes in which teachers and schools will receive mentoring support on the
methodology of the ATLs. This program aims to also help schools in resolving
their technical difficulties

2. In view of above, Vigyan Ashram in consultation with UNICEF and SAMAGRA
SIKSHA has provided the following mentors to train the teachers online for all
schools in AP and ofine for the present running 20 selected ATL Schools in
Krishna and Guntur Districts:

1. Yogasree M., Trainng Program Manager, Vigyan Ashram
2. Pradhamesh P D, Technical support, Vigyan Ashram


3. In view of above, All ATL schools in each district must do the following work: 

1. All school principals/ Head masters/teachers and ATL incharge must join
Telegram group channel. In this group link for online activity based
webinar is shared every week. Teachers and students must utilize these
sessions by attending every week.

Telegram link:

2. In ATL required arrangements and cooperation must be provided so that
students can make use of it properly for activities. 

3. Teachers/Principals must share webinar links with students through their
internal student groups and must encourage students to do assignments
given in webinars. 

4. Students must be given exposure and information on various scientifc and
innovative competitions.

 5. All schools must fll the google form through the provided Google Link.
Information collected through these forms is used to select ATLs for ofine
sessions, design online sessions, to provide technical support and guidance related to ATL. Link to open Google form:

Google link 

6. The last date for submitting Google form is 30.11.2021

4. Therefore, the District Educational Officers of the state are requested to
inform the same to the Schools.
5. This should be treated as most Important.