Conduct Webinar to teachers e-content basic level – conducting through youtube


     Sub: SCERT,AP – Department ofDigital Education- Conducting webinar to teachers on e-Content  creation Basic Level – Conducting through Youtube channel of SCERT-AP –  information to teachers – orders issued – Reg

All the DEOs in the state are hereby informed that d during the COVID-19 lockdown period  Department of Digital Education SECRT wants to conduct training to the teachers on e-Content creation basic level throough webinars(Onlkne Mode). Since shortly there may not be a possinle condition for conduction one-one training at any level, hence we need to give exposure to the teachers on getting training through online mode.

Details are bellow.

these online training will be  conducted thrpough youtube live streaming through SCERT youtube channel in YouTube and can join in the class.

registration form will be floated to teachers through whatsapp groups, teachers can also join
in the webinar without registration.

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