Distribution of Dry ration up to Last working day – Orders issued

Memo. No. ESE01-SEDNOCSE/520/2020-PROG-1 ,Dt: 02/04/2020,

Sub:- SE- MOM-Distribution of Dry Ration consisting of Rice, Eggs and Chikkis to all the School Children as per the daily entitlement of the child, to prevent the spread of COVID-19 upto 23rd April, 2020- Permission accorded- Orders – Issued. 

 Ref:- 1. Supreme Court Suo Moto Writ Petition (Civil) No:2/2020, dt.18.03.2020.
2 .. Govt. Memo.No.ESE01-SEDNCSE/520/Prog.l/2020 dt:23/03/2020.
3. From the Director (MOM), E File No. ESE02-27021/60/2020.

1.In the  reference  2nd cited,  Government   have
accorded  permission  to the Director  (MOM)  to continue
 to the School
 amidst closure of Schools  on account
 of preventing  the spread  of COVID-19  and
to take all the
essential   precautionary   steps  in the distribution  of the dry ration of Rice, Eggs and Chikkis  strictly  as per the entitlement  of the Children  and as per the no. of working
days  from  19/03/2020   to
2.         In the
 reference   3rd
cited, the Director  (MOM) has requested
 to the Government   on continuation   of the Distribution  of Dry Ration consisting  of Rice, Eggs  and  Chikkis  to all the School  Children  as per the Daily entitlement
 of the Child
on account  the Closure  of Schools
 to prevent
the spread  of COVID-19
 till 23rd April,
2020  which  is the
 last date of the academic
3.          After  careful  examination   of the proposal,  Government   hereby 
accord permission    to continue  the
distribution  of Dry Ration
consisting  of Rice, Eggs and
Chikkis  to all the School
 as per the daily entitlement
 of the child, to prevent
the  spread
 of COVID-19 
23rd April, 2020 which
 is the last date of working  of
Academic   Year.
4.         The
Commissioner   of School  Education  IDirector  (MOM) Ithe 
RJDSE’s  Ithe
DEOs  shall
take  necessary  further  action
 in the matter accordingly.
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