Revenue (DM) Department – COVID-19 – Sanction and release of an amount of
Rs.1300.00 Crore (Rupees One thousand three hundred crore only) to the
Commissioner of Rural Development towards sanction of Scale of Assistance to the all
BPL Families in the State of Andhra Pradesh, whose lives are affected due to
LOCKDOWN activity in the State of Andhra Pradesh for containment of COVID-19 –
Administrative Sanction – Revalidation of funds – Orders – Issued.

G.O.MS.No. 7 Dated: 02-04-2020 

Read the following :
1. G.O.MS.NO.1, Revenue (DM.I) Department, dt.19-03-2020.
2. From the Union Home Secretary to GOI, Ministry of Home Affairs, Order
No.40-3/2020- DM-1(A), dt.24-03-2020.

3. G.O.RT.NO.761, Finance (FMU-Revenue) Department, dt.31-03-2020.
4. G.O.Ms.No.6, Revenue (DM.I) Department, dated:31.03.2020.
5. G.O.Rt.No.1168, Finance (FMU-REV) Department, dt: 01.04.2020.

  1. In pursuance to the BRO issued in the reference 3rd read above, the Revenue
    (DM) Department in the reference 4th read above issued administrative sanction order
    for an amount of Rs.1300.00 Crore to the Commissioner of Rural Development for drawl
    and deposit the same to CEO, SERP for distribution of the scale of assistance to the
    eligible BPL families in the state with the help of Civil Supplies department who have the
    data of rice cards. 
  2. Now, the Finance Department in the reference 5th read above issued Budget
    Release Order for an amount of Rs. Rs.1300.00 Crore (Rupees One thousand three
    hundred crore only) in relaxation of quarterly regulation to the Commissioner of Rural
    Development, Andhra Pradesh, towards sanction of Scale of Assistance to all BPL
    Families in the State of Andhra Pradesh, whose lives are affected due to LOCKDOWN
    activity in the State of Andhra Pradesh for containment of COVID-19 in the financial
    year 2020-2021. 
  3. After consideration of the above, Government hereby accord administrative
    sanction and release an amount of Rs.1300.00 Crore (Rupees One thousand three
    hundred crore only) by revalidating the orders issued in the reference 4th read above to
    the Commissioner of Rural Development, Andhra Pradesh towards sanction of Scale
    of Assistance to the all BPL Families in the State of Andhra Pradesh, whose lives are
    affected due to LOCKDOWN activity in the State of Andhra Pradesh for containment of
    COVID-19. He is authorized to draw the same and deposit the same to the P.D.
    Account No. 6/APCRT of CEO, SERP. 
  4. The Chief Executive Officer, SERP is requested to distribute the amounts based
    on the Rice Cards data available with the Civil Supplies Department with the support of
    Gram Volunteers. 
  5. The amount sanction vide para (3) above, shall be debited to the following head
    of account: 

M.J.H. 2245 – Relief on account of Natural Calamities
S.M.J.H. 01 – Drought
M.H. 101 – Gratuitous relief
S.H. 04 – Cash doles
310 – Grants-in- Aid
316 – Payments to beneficiaries Calamities/notified events

  1. The amount sanctioned in Para (3) above, shall be utilized only for the purpose
    for which it is sanctioned. The Commissioner of Rural Development, A.P, shall furnish
    the Utilization Certificate duly verified by the Audit authorities of State Audit Department
    to Revenue [DM-Accounts] Department and shall remit unspent balance, if any, to the
    Govt. account. 
  2. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (FMU-Revenue) Department –
    vide their U. O.FMUOMISC/169/2020 (Computer.No.1132719) dated: 01-04-2020.
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