DSC-2018- Completion of the recruitment process to SA(Hin) and LP(Hin) and LP (Tel ) SA (Tel)

Memo.No. ESE02-20021/6/2018-RECTMT-CSE Dated:20/05/2020
Sub:- School Education –DSC-2018- Completion of the recruitment process to the post of SA(Hin) and LP(Hin)– Provisional selection lists communicated- Certain instructions Issued-Reg.

1. G.O.Ms.No.67 SE Dept Dt.26.10.2018.
2. Pr.Rc.No. 2900824 /TRC-1/2019 Dated:04/10/2019 of this office.

1.In continuation of this office, proc. in the reference 2nd read above, the attention of all District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference read above and they are aware that with regard to DSC-2018 as of now, five provisional selection lists were released to the post of SA(Hin) and LP(Hin) and the candidature of the candidates was confirmed by the respective selection committees through online after completion of the certificate verification.
2. In this regard, they are informed to draw the final selection lists as per Rostercum- Merit as per rules and submit the same lists to this office on or before 21.05.2020 for taking web counselling to the posts of SA(Hin) and LP(Hin).
3. Further, the DEOs are requested to upload the vacancies limited to the number of candidates as per the provisional selection list guidelines issued in the reference 2nd read above.
4. This shall be treated as MOST URGENT.

Memo.No. ESE02-20021/17/2018-RECTMT-CSE Dated:20/05/2020

Flash...   ఇద్దరు SGT ఉపాధ్యాయులను ప్రభుత్వానికి సరెండర్ చేసిన కలెక్టర్

Sub:- School Education-DSC-2018-Completion of the Recruitment process to the
post of
SA(Tel) and LP(Tel)-Certain instructions issued–Regarding.


1. G.O.Ms.No.67 SE Dept Dt.26.10.2018.
2. This office Pr.Even.No Dt.14.06.2019.

In continuation of to this office proceedings 2nd read above, all the District Educational Officers in the state are informed that the 1st Provisional selection lists for the Posts of SA(Tel) and LP(Tel) were confirmed by the respective DEOs in the state through Online and the dates the scheduled for further course of action are a follows:

Sending of SMS to the Candidates - 21.05.2020
Uploading certificates by the candidates - 22.05.2020 to 25.05.2020
Certificate verification by the DEOs through Online - 22.05.2020 to 26.05.2020.

Further, in view of the COIVID-19 restrictions, it is decided to conduct counselling through online to the Provisionally selected candidates for certificate verification. All the District Educational Officers in the state are, therefore, requested to verify the certificates uploaded by the candidates through online as per the G.O.Ms.No.67 SE Dept Dt.26.10.2018 and verify the original certificates as per the
online at the time of issue of appointment orders.
All the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to take necessary immediate action accordingly