Video making from class 7th to 10th – compulsory instructions

Sub:SCERT- Call for teacher on Video making from class 7th to 10th – poor response from the teachers- wide spread of message across teachers ,instructions – issued – 

 The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state is invited vide reference cited above wherein they were requested to inform to the teachers to participate In video recording on
the topics in the lessons from classes 7th to 10th”. ‘Even though 1.87 lakh teachers, and working in the state only 809 teachers have responded and given consent to prepare video lessons,
In view of the circumstances explained above, it is the first and foremost duty of the every officer who is worktng in the department to think and start sincere efforts to motivate each and every teacher to involve in the process of preparation of video lessons in each and very topic In every subject and in every crass. It is the
responsibility of th offlc rs to so that the students should be utilized their time in
an effectiv wav and they should not waste their time in unwanted activities.
Hence all the RJDs and OEOs are requested to spread the message in a big way to motivate the Head Masters and teachers to participate in preparing video lessons in all subjects and classes. Further they are requested to submit information in the proforma enclosed to the proceeding on or before 06-06-2020.

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This should be treated as most urgent

The following is the link to apply for teachers and HMs for preparation of video lessons.

 Google Form link below   download proceedings