Extension of OPS benefits for the technically resigned / voluntary retired employees

Mobility of personnel amongst Central / State & Autonomous Bodies while
working under Pensionable establishments – regarding.
The undersigned is directed to say that the New Pension Scheme (now called as
National Pension System) was introduced vide Department of Economic Affairs’
notification No.57/2003-ECB.PR dated 22.12.2003. It was provided that NPS
would be mandatory for all new recruits to the Central Government service from
1″ of January 2004 except the Armed Forces
In this Department’s O M of even number dated 26.7.2005, it was provided
that all employees who joined Central Government service or in the service of
an autonomous body set up by the Central Government before 1.1.2004 and who
were governed by old pension scheme under the Central Civil Service (Pension)
Rules, 1972 will continue to be governed by the same pension scheme / rules
and will count their past service if they take up new appointment in other
Ministry / Department of the Central Government or a Central Autonomous Body
covered by the CCS (Pension) Rules on or after 1.1.2014, subject to their
satisfying the conditions laid down in Para 4 of DP&AR O.M.
No.28/10/1984-PU dated 29.8.1984.
Subsequently, vide this Department 0. M. of even number duted 28.10.2009, the
benefit of counting of past service under the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 was
extended to those employees who were initially appointed before 1.1.2004 in ()
Central Government Departments covered under Railway Pension Rules or other
similar con contributing pensionable establishments of Central Government
covered by old Pension Scheme rules other than CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 OR,
(H) State Government covered under old pension scheme similar to CCS(Pension)
Rules, OR () Central State Autonomous Body covered by the old pension scheme
and who resigned to join a Central Government Department Office or a Central
Autonomous Body having pensionable establishment
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Representations have been received in this Department from employees who
joined under NPS in Central Government Central Autonomous Bodies after
1.1.2004 but before 28.10.2009. after technical resignation from a
pensionable establishment of a Central Government Department, State Government
or Central State Autonomous Body and who were denied the benefit of counting
of past service in the old pension scheme in the Central Government.
The matter has been examined in consultation with Department of Personnel and
Training and Department of Expenditure. It has been decided that those
employees who joined Central Government / Central Autonomous body under NPS
during 1.1.2004 to 28.10.2009 after submitting technical resignation from Central Govt./ Central
Autonomous Body or a State Government State Autonomous Body and who fulfill
the conditions for counting of past service in terms of this Department’s O.M.
dated 28.10.2009. may be given an option for induction in old pension scheme
and to get their past service rendered in the Central State Government or
Central State Autonomous Body counted for the purpose of pensionary benefits
on their final retirement from the Central Government Central Autonomous Body,
subject to fulfillment of all other conditions of counting of such past
service in terms of DOPT’S O.M. dated 29.8.1984 read with this Department’s
O.M. dated 7.2.1986 as amended from time to time.
Such option may be exercised within 3 months of issue of this O.M Sach
employees who are appointed under NPS during 1.1.2004 to 28102009 and are
eligible to exercise option in terms of para 5 above but do not exercise the
option within the stipulated period will continue to be covered by the
provisions of National Pension System. Those employees who joined during
1.1.2004 to 28102009 and have already been given the benefit of CCS Pension)
Rules in terms of O.M. dated 28.10.2009, will continue to be governed by those
Those employees who exercise option for counting of past service in accordance
with the above provisions may he allowed to avail the benefit under CCS
(Pension) Rules, 1972
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The capitalized value of pension and gratuity for the past service in the
Central State Autonomous Body will be deposited by that Body to the Central
Government/Central Autonomous Body in accordance with the instructions
contained in the OM. No. 28/1084 Pension Unit dated 29.8.1984. In case the
employee concerned has received the pensionary benefits from the Central
Government Departments, State Government, Central State Autonomous Body, etc.,
he would be required to deposit the amount of such pensioners benefits along
with interest to be calculated in accordance with this Department’s O.M. No.
38 34/2001-P&PW F) dated 29-07-2002) with the Central Government
Department Central Autonomous Body in which he has joined to enable counting
of past service. The employee share in the accumulated wealth of National
Pension System with interest rufus accrued thereon under the NPS, would be
deposited in the GPF account of the employee. The employer’s share along with
interest / returns accrued thereon under the NPS would be deposited in the
account of Central Government / Central Autonomous Body in accordance with
modalities provided in pura 9 of this OM.
 In some cases, due to unavailability of benefit of counting of past
services under the old pension system during 01.01.2004 to 28102009 the
employees of State Government State Autonomous bodies etc. may have been
compelled to take voluntary retirement before joining pensionable Central
Government Department. Central Autonomous bodies after 01.01.2004 but before
28.10.2009. It has been decided that voluntary retirement of such employees
may be treated as technical resignation and the benefit of provisions of para
S to para 7 above muy also be extended to them subject to fulfillment of all
other conditions for counting of service.
Adjustment employee’s contribution to NI’S 
Amount may be credited to the individual’s GPF account and the account may be
recast permitting up to date interest. (FR 16 & Rule 11 of GPF Rules)
Adjustment Government contribution to NPS:
 To be accounted for as (.) Debit to Object Head 70. Deduct Recoveris
under Major Had 2071. Pensions and other Retirement Benefits and Minor Head
911 – Deduct Recoveries of over payments
Adjustment of increased value of subscription in NPS on account
of  appreciation of  investment
May be accounted for by crediting the want to Government increased value of
accounts under Major Head “0071- Contribution & Recoveries subscription in
NPS towards Pension & other Retirement Benefits” and Min Hand ef
“800-Other- Receipts” (Note under above Major Head in LMMH)