Alternative Academic Calendar developed by NCERT

Rc.No.151/A&I/2020 Dated:09/07/2020
Sub:School Education – COVID -19 pandemic – Alternative Academic Calendar
for Primary, Upper Primary and Secondary Stage developed by NCERT –
Communications & Certain instructions – Issued.
1. G.O. Rt.No 317, Health, Medical & Family Welfare (B2)Department,
dated 02.07.2020.
2. Letter D.O.No.1-2/2020-IS.5 dated 6th July,2020 ofthe Secretary,
1.All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District
Educational Officers in the State are aware that in the reference 1st
citedGovernment have issued “Unlock 2.0” guidelines for phased reopening in
the State. In that guidelines it was stated that Schools, colleges,
educational and coaching institutions will remain closed till 31st July,
2020. Online/distance learning shall continue to be permitted and shall be
2. In the reference 2nd cited, MHRD, GoI has requested the states to ensure
compliance and strict implementation of the guidelines on closure of schools
and colleges, and direct all concerned authorities for their strict
3. Further, Department of School Education has taken certain initiatives in
order to ensure school preparedness and to facilitate learning during
COVID-19 pandemic and as a part of the initiatives video lessons are being
telecasted through Doordarshan for classes I to X since June, 2020.
4. Certain complaints have been received by the Hon’ble Minister for
Education, Principal Secretary to Govt., School Education department and the
Commissioner of School Education that the private unaided schools are
insisting the parents for school fees, online classes fees etc., for the
academic year 2020-21 and also certain allegations have been leveled on
private school managements for abnormal hike of school/tuition fees for
2020-21. Complaints are also received stating that the private unaided
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schools are holding tests to the children and declaring the marks, ranks
etc, as part of their curricular activity.
5. The academic year 2020-21 has not yet commenced due to COVID- 19
pandemic and the academic calendar for 2020-21 is under preparation taking
into consideration, the tentative working days and the reduction of the
syllabus without affecting the learning outcome.
6. In this context, the NCERT has taken a new initiative of developing an
Alternative Academic Calendar for primary, upper primary and secondary
stages. Following the calendar, students of all classes can receive school
education systematically at home with the help of their teachers through
available technological and social media tools till their schools reopen.
NCERT has released a 4 week alternative calendar for primary, upper primary,
secondary and higher secondary stages in April

2020 and now released a 8 week alternative calendar for primary stage. The
calendar provides guidelines to teachers on the use of various technological
tools and social media tools available for imparting education in fun
filled, interesting ways which can be used by learner, parents, teachers
even while at home. It has taken into account the varying levels of access
to such tools-mobile, radio, television, SMS and various social media. The
fact that many may not have internet facility in the mobile, or may not be
able to use different social media tools such s WhatsApp, face
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book, twitter, google etc., has also been taken note by NCERT and hence the
calendar has been formulated to guide the teachers who are expected to
further guide parents and teachers through SMS on mobile or through voice
call. NCERT expects parents to help elementary stage students to implement
the calendar.
7. Hence parents of Primary, Upper primary will be guided by teachers about
the activities to be conducted with children using mobile phones, SMS,
Radio, T.V or various other social media. These activities are related to
their syllabus and learning outcomes prescribed and teachers will also be
able to guide student by establishing contacts with them through mobile
phones or social media, and this calendar has been developed by the NCERT in
such a manner that it provides adequate space to the state contexts.
8. Further, the department of School Education in Andhra Pradesh has
already developed bridge course material for 10 weeks for primary stage
children and the material has already been distributed to the children and
the same is being used from June onwards. Further all the headmasters and
teachers have already been requested to develop such material for children
from Class VI to X also under the guidance of SCERT.
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9. Further in case of CBSE affiliated schools, CBSE is communicating
necessary guidelines to those schools from to time.
10. Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and
District Educational Officers in the State are requested to follow the
instructions given below:
1. The NCERT guidelines along with the Alternative Academic Calendar to be
communicated to all managements with instructions to take necessary action
according to the Alternative Academic Calendar of NCERT till reopen of
schools. In case CBSE affiliated institutions, the institutions shall adhere
to instructions issued by CBSE from time to time.
2. To ensure that no private un aided school should commence their regular
academic activities until reopening of schools. They shall not conduct any
weekly or monthly examinations nor take up
any assessment and they shall not declare any marks for the performance of
the children based on such tests.
3. To ensure all the academic activities which are being done by the
private school managements with respect to COVID – 19 pandemic should be
aligned with the Alternative Academic Calendar as suggested by the
Downloads Academic Calendars :