Enquiry against Sri M. Sairam, District Educational Officer, Kurnool

G.O.Rt.No.151 Date:20.07.2020.
From the Commissioner of School Education, Lr.Rc.No. ESE02- 11022/2/2020-EST
1-CSE, dated 19.06.2020.
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It is proposed to hold an enquiry against Sri M. Sairam, District Educational
Officer, Kurnool district in accordance with the procedure laid down in Rule
20 of the A.P.C.S. (CC&A) Rules, 1991.
2. The substance of the imputations of misconduct or misbehavior in respect
of which the inquiry is proposed to be held is set out in the enclosed
statement of articles of charges (Annexure-I). A statement of imputations of
misconduct or misbehavior in support of each article of charge is enclosed
(Annexure-II). A list of documents by which, and a list of witnesses by
whom, the article of charges are proposed to be sustained are also enclosed
(Annexure- III & IV).
3. Sri M. Sairam, District Educational Officer, Kurnool district is directed
to submit a written statement of his defence within 10 days of the receipt
of this order.
4. Sri M. Sairam, District Educational Officer, Kurnool district is informed
that an inquiry will be held only in respect of those articles of charge as
are not admitted. He should, therefore, specifically admit or deny each
article of charge.

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