Relieve the teachers who are working as ASOs, APOs in the O/o. DEO, & teachers working in IT Cell & Bio Metric Cell in O/o. District Educational Office and DCEB

Proc.No.13/14/2020-EST 3-CSE Dated:28/04/2020 


School Education Department – Relieve the teachers who are working as
ASOs, APOs in the O/o. District Educational Office, & teachers working in IT
Cell & Bio Metric Cell in O/o. District Educational Office and in O/o. District
Common Examination Board (DCEB) – Certain Instructions Issued – Reg. 

Message received (dated 23-4-2020) from Sri. Ch. Sravan kumar, State
President ,APUS, AP.
It has been brought to the notice of Commissioner of School Education, A.P
stated that certain teachers have been working as APOs, ASOs, for the last 10-15
years in the o/o DEOs. As per FR (18) (1) maximum period for deputation of any
employee is 5 years. As per RTE 2009 rule (27), the services of teachers should not
be utilized for non-teaching work. 
In this circumstance, there is a dire need to take action regarding continuing
the services of teachers as ASOs, APOs, in IT Cell & Bio Metric attendance
purpose in O/o. District Educational Officer and in O/o. District Common Examination
Board (DCEB).
In view of the above, all the District Educational Officers in the state are
requested to follow the instructions given below. 
a. Relieve the teachers who are working as ASOs, APOs in the O/o. District
Educational Office, & teachers, working in IT Cell work & Bio Metric
attendance in O/o. District Educational Office and in O/o. District Common
Examination Board (DCEB) before reopening of the schools with instructions
to them to join in their respective Schools. If there is no vacancy in their
previous station, allot them to needy schools where there is a vacancy. 
b. Utilize the services of members of Divisional Level Monitoring Teams (DLMTs)
and competent Cluster Resource Persons (CRPs) as ASOs, APOs. 
c. Explore/suggest the possibilities to fill up the gap occurred due to relieving of
ASOs/APOs if any.
The receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged.
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