implementation of Alternative Academic Calendar and PRAGYATA guidelines on digital education

Sub:- School Education – COVID -19 pandemic – implementation of Alternative
Academic Calendar and PRAGYATA guidelines on digital education –
PRAGYATA Guidelines – Communicated – Reg. 

Rc.No.151/A&I/2020 Dated: 24/08/2020


1. This Office Proceedings Rc.No:151/A&I/2020, dated:09.07.2020,
25.07.2020 and 06.08.2020. 

2. PRAGYATA guidelines on digital education issued by the Union
Ministry of Human Resource Development, GoI, New Delhi.


1.In continuation to this office proceedings in the ref 1st cited all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are informed that the Union Ministry of Education released the PRAGYATA guidelines on digital education.

2. PRAGYATA guidelines provide a roadmap on digital / online education to advance online education with better quality. The PRAGYATA guidelines include eight stages of online / digital learning, namely Plan- Review- Arrange- Guide- Yak (talk) – Assign- Track- Appreciate. These steps guide the planning and implementation of digital education step by step with examples. The highlights of the PRAGYATA guidelines are immediately embedded as appendices (copy enclosed). The guidelines include concerns while planning online and digital education like duration, screen time, inclusiveness, balanced online and offline activities etc level wise. 

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