Request to pay the Honorarium to NRSTC Volunteers and URH Staff during COVID – 19 (March & April 2020)

Memo.No.1192865/APSS/OSC/2020, dated: 01/08/2020. 

Sub:-School Education – A.P Samagra Shiksha – OSC Activities –Request to permission to pay the Honorarium to NRSTC Volunteers and URHStaff during COVID – 19 (March & April 2020) – specific remarks arebeing asked by the FAO – Decision can be taken by the APC concerned- Reg., 

Ref:-Lr.Rc.No.Nil, dated: 14.07.2020 of the ALSCO, Samagra Shiksha,Vizianagaram.
The attention of the District Educational Officer & Ex-Officio ProjectCoordinator / Additional Project Coordinator of Samagra Shiksha,Vizianagaram is invited to the reference read above that wherein the ALSCO,O/o APC, Samagra Shiksha, Vizianagaram has informed vide reference citedthat the NRSTC Volunteers submitted duty certificates and the NGO of URH,Vizianagaram have submitted the bills in the month of June 2020 to theDistrict Project Office during the period of COVID – 19 (March & April 2020)while processing the file our FAO is being asked specific remarks for theabove said period. 
After examining the above matter, therefore, the District EducationalOfficer & Ex-Officio Project Coordinator / Additional Project Coordinator ofSamagra Shiksha, Vizianagaram is directed that the decision can be takenby the Additional Project Coordinator, Vizianagaram through the DistrictEducational Officer by the Collector & District Magistrate concernedregarding payments of Honorarium to the NRSTC volunteers. 

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