Certain Information regarding Private Aided Schools called for

 Memo No.ESE-02-19021/11/2020-PS-3-CSE 18/08/2020 

Sub : School Education Department –Certain Information regarding Private Aided
Schools-Regarding .
Read : Minutes Dt:12-08-2020 of the Committee. 

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are
requested to obtain the following information from the District Educational
officers of their jurisdiction and submit consolidated information of their
zone to this Office on or before 20-08-2020 in soft and hard copies with out
fail for taking necessary action.

 A. Proposals for grant in aid admission pending as on 31-03-2020 if any, 

B. The complaints received by the office of RJDSEs and D.E.O. s against
the functioning of the grants in aid institutions as on 31-7-2020 with
detailed remarks against each complaint. 


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