Negative Marks system abolished in Departmental Exams GO MS 101 Dt:25.09.2020


The Andhra Pradesh Departmental Tests Rules, 1965 – Amendment to Rule 17 –
Orders – Issued


G.O.MS.No. 101 Dated: 25-09-2020.

Read the following:-

1. G.O.Ms No.1397, G.A.(Rules) Dept., dated 24-7-1965.

2. G.O.Ms. No.602, G.A.(Ser.C) Dept., dated 01-11-2011.

3. G.O.Ms. No.288, G.A.(Ser.C)Dept.,dated10-9-2014.

4. G.O.Ms. No.55, G.A.(Ser.C)Dept., dated 02-05-2017.

5. From the Secretary, APPSC, Lr. No.459/DT/2019, dt.17-10-2019.

6. From the Secretary, APPSC, Lr. No.130/RR/2017, dt.03-09-2020.


O R D E R:

In the G.O. first read above, the Andhra Pradesh Departmental Tests Rules,
1965 were issued. In the G.O. second above, the duration of the examination
was reduced from three (3) hours to two (2) hours duly amending Rule 14 (a)
(iii) of the said Rules, 1965. In the G.O. third read above, Rule 14 (a)
(iii) and Annexure-III of Rule 20 were amended prescribing the duration of
the tests of Descriptive type pattern as three (3) hours except Second
Language Test which is of two (2) hours duration and for Objective Type
pattern tests, it was prescribed as two (2) hours duration. 

 2. In the G.O. fourth read above, among others, negative marking
system was introduced in Departmental Tests conducted by the APPSC from
November, 2017 onwards duly amending the Rule 17 of the Andhra Pradesh
Departmental Tests Rules, 1965. In terms of the orders, for every wrong
answer, 1/3rd (0.33) of marks prescribed for the question shall be deducted,
unanswered questions will not be taken into account and also passing marks
are lessened by 5% in all Objective Tests i.e., 35 marks instead of 40. In
case of Divisional Test and A.P. Works Accounts Services examination, the
minimum pass marks is reduced to 35% marks in each paper and 40% in
aggregate instead of 40 marks and 45% respectively. 

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 3. In the letters fifth and sixth read above, the Secretary, Andhra
Pradesh Public Service Commission has stated that the Commission has
received many representations including from public representatives and
teacher associations requesting for removal of negative marks in
Departmental Tests to ease the burden on employees and to alleviate the
stress that they have to undergo over nonrelease of increments and
non-acquisition of promotions. He has, therefore, requested the Government
to remove the negative marking system and delete the provisions added to
rule 17 of Departmental Tests Rules, 1965 issued vide G.O. fourth read
above, on the following grounds:

i) Prior to introduction of negative marks, the minimum pass marks were
40% which, after introduction of negative marks and it was reduced to 35%.
In spite of the reduction in minimum qualifying marks, the introduction of
tests on-line and the introduction of negative marks have had an adverse
effect on the candidates. Most of them are getting on in age and are
denied their promotions or increments because of their failure to clear
the tests; 

ii) A Study of the pass percentage relating to the Departmental Tests
prior to and after introduction of negative marks shows the drastic
decline in pass percentage, especially in case of combination tests. As
per the law of averages, the pass percentage has declined overall (average
taken on 3 sessions without negative marks and 5 sessions with negative
marks), even after reduction in minimum qualifying marks; and 

iii) No such procedure exists in the States of Telangana, Tamil Nadu and

4. Government, after careful examination of the matter, hereby remove the
negative marking system in Departmental Tests conducted by the Andhra
Pradesh Public Service Commission duly restoring the minimum pass marks as
fixed earlier and make the following amendments to the Andhra Pradesh
Departmental Tests Rules, 1965, issued in G.O. first read above as amended
from time to time and it will come into effect from the next

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In the said rules, under rule 17, the second and third provisos shall be


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