Online nominations for the year 2020-21 under INSPIRE Awards

 Memo Rc. No. 9/B/ M&Sci/ SCERT/2020

Sub: SCERT, AP, Amaravati – Online nominations for the year 2020-21
under INSPIRE Awards – MANAK Programme – Request – submission
– Regarding. 

Ref: Progs. Letter No. 128387 dt. 17.09.2020 from the Department of Science
and Technology and National Innovation Foundation of India.

The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the
State is invited to the subject cited above, wherein the
Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and
Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi informed that the Govt. of
India implementing INSPIRE Awards – MANAK (Million Minds
Augmenting National Aspiration and Knowledge) programme with
a basic objective to install creative / innovative thinking, for that it
is requested that teachers should invite ideas of students studying
from class VI to class X. 

2. Accordingly the Department of Science and Technology and
National Innovation Foundation of India are requested to make
online nominations for 2020-21 for submission of proposals for
INSPIRE Awards – MANAK. As the last date of online nominations is
30th September 2020, there is an URGENT need to mobilize the
maximum schools in the competition. The registered schools under
this scheme can nominate 5 best ideas from High Schools and 3
from UP Schools through online mode in E-MIAS web portal using
the link : For the details on
nomination process, the schools may visit the following link
feature=emb title. 

Flash...   Conduct of webinar on Life Skills & Career guidance during 19th to 21st October, 2020

3. Therefore all District Educational Officers (District Nodal Officers for
INSPIRE Awards – MANAK) in the State are requested to give wide publicity
and apprise to all the Headmasters in their districts to submit online
nominations and also to expedite the registration of schools yet to be
covered under this scheme.  

S.No. District No. of nominations uploaded for Inspire Awards -Manak

1 East Godavari 1912

2 Krishna 676

3 Visakhapatnam 290

4 Kurnool 191

5 Vijayanagaram 126

6 West Godavari 125

7 Anatapuramu 75

8 Chittoor 43

9 Prakasam 41

10 Guntur 29

11 Srikakulam 22

12 Y.S.R.Kadapa 21

13 S.P.S.R Nellore 15

Total 3566

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