Pay protection to the teachers of Model Schools – Clarification

 Rc.No.456/2020-APMS-CSE Dated:-11/09/2020

Sub:- School Education – AP Model Schools – Pay protection to the teachers
of Model Schools – Clarification – Speaking Orders – Issued – Reg.


1.Govt.Cir.Memo.No.32087/353/F.R-II/2005, Dated:-26-05-2005 of
Finance(FR.II) Department.

2.G.O.Ms.No.254 Finance (SMPC-I) Department, Dated:-03-12-2011.

3.Notification No.01/RMSA/ Model Schools/2012, Dated:-06-02-2012.

4.GoI Lr.No.F.1-8/2012-RMSA.III, MHRD, Dept of SE & literacy, dated:-


5.G.O.MS.No.67, School Education (Exams) Department, Dated:-26-10- 2018.

6.Representation, dated:-06.08.2020 of Sri.M.Srinivasulu, PGT(Civics), APMS
Nandavaram, SPSR Nellore District.


1.Sri.M.Srinivasulu, PGT Civics, APMS Nandavaram, SPSR Nellore District has
submitted a representation in the reference 06th read above stating that he
was appointed as Trained Graduate Teacher(TGT) (Social Studies) on 06.12.2013
and took No Objection Certificate for appearing to the Post Graduate
Teacher(PGT)(Civics) through DSC-2018. Later he was selected and appointed as
Post Graduate Teacher(PGT) Civics and working as PGT-Civics at APMS
Nandavaram, SPSR Nellore District w.e.f., 23.12.2019. Hence, the individual is
requesting for protection of his pay as per F.R 22(a)(iv) with one increment
of Rs.110/- duly fixing his basic pay at Rs.40,270/-.

2. In this connection, it is informed that the AP Model Schools were
established under AP Secondary Education Society and is a Centrally Sponsored
Scheme contemplated by the Government of India in 2009 established in EBB
Mandals under Andhra Pradesh and started functioning with classes 6th to
Intermediate with English Medium of instruction from the academic year
2013-14. Further informed that the Principals, Post Graduate Teachers(PGT),
and Trained Graduate Teachers(TGT) are sanctioned to AP Model Schools as per
G.O.Ms.No.254 Finance (SMPC-I) Department Dated: 03-12-2011 reference 02nd
read above.

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3. Subsequently, the scheme was delinked from the Central assistance from the
year 2015-16 and thus since then the State Government has taken up the Scheme
vide reference 04th read above.

4. At present, all salaries of the teaching staff of AP Model Schools which
are functioning under AP Secondary Education Society are drawing their
salaries under Head -“2202-02-109-11-06-060-061-Grant-in aid”.

5. Therefore, it is informed that as per Govt Cir.Memo. dated.26-05-2005 vide
reference 01st read above, the Government issued orders that the individuals
working in the Grant-in-aid posts are not Government employees and the
protection of the last pay drawn earlier is not permissible. Thus, it is
informed that the Pay protection to the teachers of Model Schools is not

6. In view of the above, only the individuals considered as Government
Employees are eligible for pay protection as per F.R 22(a)(iv) who are drawing
their respective salaries under the Head of Account “010. Salaries” and not
through Grant-in-aid. Also, the pay protection is not allowed to the
individuals who are recruited through DSC-2012 in AP Model Schools and the
same was mentioned in their respective appointment orders also.

7. Hence, the representation of Sri.M.Srinivasulu, PGT Civics, APMS
Nandavaram, SPSR Nellore District dated:-06-08-2020 is hereby considered as
per orders issued by the Government from time to time, the request of the
applicant is rejected.

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