Pvt. Aided & Un-aided – District Business Reforms Action Plan(DBRAP) – development of software for Online applications

 Memo.No. ESE02-17/398/2020-PS1 -CSE-1 Date:11/09/2020 

Sub : School Education – Pvt. Aided & Un-aided – District Business
Reforms Action Plan(DBRAP) – development of software for Online
applications as per DBRAP – Dispensing with manual applications – Reg.


1)D.O.lr.No.12/01/DBRAP/2020, dt:18.08.2020, Director of Industries and
Commerce & Export Promotion, Govt of AP. 

2)This Office Procgs.RC.No.ESE02-17/79/2013-PS1-CSE, dated 25.06.2020.

3)This Office Procgs.RC.No.ESE02-18021/272020-PS3-CSE, dated 28.08.2020.

1.In continuation of this office instructions issued vide reference3rd and 4th
cited all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and district
Educational officers in the state are informed that the Govt of AP have
enacted Act 1 of 1982 on 27.01.1982 to consolidate and amend the laws relating
to the Educational system in the state of Andhra Pradesh for performing,
organizing and developing Educational system. 

2. Further Director of Industries have informed to this office vide reference
1 st cited, wherein it was informed that that Ministry of finance and
Government of India has allowed certain reforms pertaining to District
Business Action Plan (D-BRAP). These reforms contains a set of departmental
services to ensure better service delivery for the citizen and the following
are proposed to Department of School Education:

1. Approval for setting up and operating a Play School. 

2. Registration of schools under Right to Education 

3. NOC for setting up CBSE Schools 

3. Above mentioned reforms require online application submission, online
payment and online download of above certificates/licenses/NOCs by the
applicant without any need to visit office and requested to take appropriate
action on the reforms for expediting the action taken for timely


4. Accordingly this office vide proceedings vide reference 2nd cited have
issued certain guidelines issued for submission of proposal for grant of
opening/ up gradation/ provisional Recognition/ Extension of Temporary
Recognition / additional Sections through online alone. Further vide
proceedings vide reference 3rd cited has issued orders to consider the
proposals up to 31.10.2020 File No.ESE02-17/398/2020-PS1 -CSE for submission
of proposal for renewal of recognition of and submission of the affidavits
through offline for the academic year 2020-21 due to Covid-19. 

5. Therefore all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District
Educational officers in the state are directed to follow instructions given by
this office vide reference 2nd cited. Accordingly all the managements who have
submitted the applications received through offline may be directed to submit
the proposals through online only. 

6. The above instructions shall be followed scrupulously without any
deviation. For any technical please reach our email (help@apschooledu.in). The
said application services can be accessed in the following url.


Play school proceedings
CBSE proceedings