Shikshakparv – webinars by MHRD on Suggestions from Teachers and principals all over the county

Memo.No.228/A1/SCERT/2020 Dt:05/09/2020 

Sub:- SE – Dept of School Education and Literacy has decided to call for
suggestions from School Teachers and Principals from all over the count
ry – Link for watching the webinars / Discussions / Presentations –
Communicated – Regarding 

Read: – 

1. D.O.letter No. 210820/SEcy(SE&L)/2, dated: 21.08.2020 from Smt Anita
Karwal, I.AS, Secretary, Dept of School Education and Literacy Ministry of
Education. GOI. 

2. D’SCERT Procs.Rc.No.228/A1/SCERT/2020, Dt:02-09-2020. 

In continuation of the orders issued in the reference 2nd cited, all the
RJDSEs and DEOs in the state are requested to inform all Principals of the
DIETs, IASEs, CTEs, Head Masters and teachers of all schools in their
jurisdiction about the webinars / Discussions / Presentations on different
themes of NEP from 05-September to 25-September to watch on the link given

 As per the letter No. D.O. No.7-7/ 2020-EE.dated 27th August, 2020
office Secretary, Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of
Education, Government of India, it was requested that all the Principals and
Teachers of your State/ UTs may be informed about the webinars/
discussions/presentations etc. on different themes of NEP from 5th September
to 25th September, 2020. These webinars/discussions/presentations etc. may be
watched on the link given below :

Flash...   398/- Teachers for promotion of LFLHM - Clarification issued