Audit of Aided Primary, U.P and High Schools in the State

 Memo.No.ESE-02-18022/93/2020-PS-3 CSE 26/10/2020

Sub :-School Education- Private Aided Schools -Audit of Aided Primary, U.P
and High Schools in the State- Certain –Instructions-Issued –

Ref :- 

1.This Office Memo No. ESE-02-18022/93/2020-PS-3-CSE Dt: 20.09.2020. 

2. Lr.Rc.No.Nil, dated.12.10.2020 of the President, School Education
Services Association, Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh

In partial modification orders issued to the reference 1st cited, all the
District Educational Officers in the State are directed to prepare auditor
wise, school wise schedule for completion audit of all aided Schools
including secondary school by the Auditors,O/o the D.E.Os by 31st January
2021 with out fail. 

They are further requested to submit a copy of the schedule to this


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