NOTE: ‘WE LOVE READING’ will be the tagline for this campaign, yet to decide the title.

1. Weed out physically damaged books:

Pool up all the available library books in the school, (All the books supplied by the government/ collected by the school, all kinds of cards like Sneha Bala cards, Chaduvu-Anandinchu cards).

· Weed out physically damaged books

· Partially damaged books have to be taken care of by covering, taping, stitching etc.

· All the teaching and non teaching staff of the school should participate in weeding out and rearrangement of Library books.

2. Grade level division of all books in school/school library:

· Books shall be divided into 4 levels

· Level 1- Books only with pictures

· Level 2- Books with simple words.

· Level 3- Books with simple sentences

· Level 4- Books with paragraphs

· Divide all 4 levels of books equally for all classes,( if necessary books may be exchanged among classes.)

· All the books should be numbered properly(For ex. 5L401 5=class, L4= level4, 01-book number)

3. Arrangement of Class Library in the Reading Corner of every classroom

· Reading corner has to be arranged in the classroom preferably in left corner of the black/green board. HM/Class teachers are responsible for this mandatory action.

Flash...   Secondary Teacher Trainings in DIKSHA from 01.08.2021

· Arrange almirah/cupboard/display book stand/ book hangers in the reading corner of every classroom to display library books for easy access of the students.

· HM/Teachers need not worry about the physical damage of the books and can give free access of library books to all students with the help of student committee members.



1. To recognize the importance of reading in day to day life.

2. To identify the importance of book giving and taking process.

3. To motivate towards the habit of reading books

“Today’s Reader is tomorrow’s Leader”- Margaret Fuller.

o It’s the prime duty of all teachers to make children to identify the importance of book reading in their lives.

o Availability of books plays a crucial role in inculcating the book reading habit among children.

o Inculcating the habit of book giving will stimulate the reading habits among children.

o To promote book contributions ‘BOOK BANK’ concept has to be introduced for collecting more and more books in all schools.

o One big carton ( card board box) has to be placed in the school with a small opening above , closed on all sides and written as ‘OUR SCHOOL BOOK BANK’

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o HM of the school has to start placing books in Book Bank by stating that books already read by all the members of their family can be placed in book bank .

o Later all teachers have to continue the same by placing one or two books which were read by all the members of their family.

o The same procedure may be continued by the children of all classes of the school.

o Children may be encouraged to donate a book to school on their birthdays.

o Collection of books as donations from public to enrich the class library Children can take active role in collecting books public. For this door to door campaign for collection of books and rallies to be conducted on Foundational Reading Literacy Campaign awareness.

o To sustain interest, healthy competitions to be conducted among all classes of students. It helps to develop their love towards books and passion for reading.

o As many books as possible may be collected through the school Book Bank in all schools.

o With this process, the children are able to identify the importance of books in their life, which in turn helps them to motivate for reading

5. Community Reading Volunteers selection guidelines (School-Village partnership)


· One separate mechanism has to be implemented for improving the reading habits of children through the Reading volunteer’s system in all villages.

Educated and enthusiastic persons are to be identified from ward volunteers and Education Assistants in the village Secretariat who are willing to act as Community Reading Volunteers and can extend their support to the children of that village during Sundays and all other holidays.

· Reading volunteers have to encourage the reading habits of children and need to guide them in improving the same on Sundays and all other holidays of the school.

· All the officers of the School Education descending from the state level to Mandal level have to adopt one village each for improving the reading habits of children.

· All the B.Ed., D.Ed., Engineering colleges has to adopt as many villages as possible for improving reading skills.

· The whole system has to focus on improving the reading habits of children of all classes in the first 40 working days as a reading mission phase 1.

· Reading volunteers are to be encouraged by issuing certificates from C.M./ Govt. for rendering services to the needy children.

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