Pooling content for QR Coded textbooks – under vidya daan program

 Sub: Samagra Shiksha – SIEMAT – DIKSHA – Pooling content for QR Coded textbooks – under vidya daan program – intimation to teachers and contributors- certain instructions – issued. 

Ref: 1. D.O No 1-41/2020-KT MHRD GOI. Dt : 12-05-2020.

The Attention of the District Educational Officers & Ex-officio Project Coordinators, Additional project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha and Principals of DIET in the state are invited to the ref cited and informed that the Vidyadaanprogram is designed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD),Government of India for content sourcing and contributing for school/higher education and teacher education.

About VidyaDaan
This national program is a call to the nation, particularly individuals & organizations across the country to contribute e-learning resources in the education domain to ensure that quality learning continues for learners across India.
Contributions can be made by individuals, teachers, educationists, subject experts, schools, government and non-government organisations etc after registering & nominating themselves.These contributions can be of different types of content such as explanation videos, teaching videos, practice questions, competency-based items, lesson plans etc. for any grade from 1 to 12 and for any subject as specified by the states/UTs under their respective projects. Such contributions must be open-licensed under the Creative Commons license framework and can be curated by the respective states/UTs & CBSE and those contributors whose content is accepted and finds high usage, will be duly recognized  

This program is leveraging the DIKSHA digital infrastructure and is accessible online through the webpage https://vdn.diksha.gov.in/ In this connection, for keeping the e-Content in semester-2 & 3chapters of text books from class I to VI and gaps in class VII to X, contributors were invited through projects in the Vidya Daan program of DIKSHA, AndhraPradesh. These projects are made available to the public domain to donate contentat https://vdn.diksha.gov.in/

Contributions can be from teachers, educationists, subject experts, schools, government, and non-government organizations, etc. For making their contributions they have to download the DIKSHA app and has to register. These contributions can be of different types of content such as explanation videos, teaching videos, practice questions, competency-based items, lesson plans, etc. forany grade from 1 to 10 and any subject under their respective projects. The contributions must be open-licensed under the Creative Commons license framework and will be curated by our state curation team. The content which is accepted will be used in the state repository. The last date to get registeris 16/10/2020. 

The District Educational Officers & Ex-officio Project Coordinators, Additional project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha, and Principals of DIET are instructed to disseminate the information to all the teachers, school heads of all managements in their respective districts.
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