Released an amount of Rs.23,55,430/- towards EAMCET Fee for Balayogi Gurukulams

Rc.No. Acad/MOADM/1/2020 Dated 28/10/2020

Sub:- APSWREIS – District Coordinators and Principals of Balayogi Gurukulams – Released an amount of Rs.23,55,430/- towards EAMCET Fee for the academic year 2019-20 – Directed to credit balance amount in Society’s A/c – Reg.

The attention of the District Coordinators of APSWREI Society and Principals of Balayogi Gurukulams is drawn to the subject and reference cited. In the reference cited, the Society has released an amount of Rs.23,55,430/- to the Principals of Balayogi Gurukulams incl. APSWR IIT-Medical Academies towards EAMCET exam fee for the academic year 2019-20.[4655 students x Rs.506/- per student].

Therefore, the Principals and Directors of APSWR IIT -Medical Academies are hereby directed to credit balance amount related to EAMCET Fee in APSWREI Society’s A/c on or before 30-10-2020 under intimation to the District Coordinators concerned.

Further, the District Coordinators are instructed to furnish consolidated information in the following format to this office immediately 

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