Sanction of Headmaster posts to the Upgraded High Schools in the state : RC 33

 Memo.Rc.No.33/(A&I)Estt.II/2016 Dated:09/10/2020

Sub: School Education – Sanction of Headmaster posts to the Upgraded
High Schools in the state – Certain information – Called for – Reg.

The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State is invited to
the reference 2nd read above, wherein they were requested to furnish the
information in the prescribed proforma regarding sanctioning of Headmaster posts
to the upgraded high schools in the State. 

Accordingly, the data has been obtained
from all the districts and consolidated the same. The said data reveals that 400
Govt. Z.P. Management schools were upgraded and running without the posts of
Head Master and these schools have required Headmaster posts. The district wise
details are as follows.

Further, they are informed that, in the reference 3rd read above, a proposal
has been submitted to Govt., towards sanction of 400 Headmasters posts duly
suppressing LFL vacant Headmaster posts in the State.
But, Govt. in the ref. 4th
read above, have requested to furnish certain information in this regard. 

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers are hereby requested to
submit the information in the prescribed Proforma-I i.e., identify and suppress @ 2
Drawing/ Art/ Craft Posts where there are non-useful in the schools, to sanction
one Headmaster post
(Example: in Srikakulam 7 actual Headmaster posts are required,
as such14 Drawing / Art / Craft posts to be identified to suppress) from their districts
on or before 16th October 2020, to submit the consolidated information to the
Govt., for sanctioning a required number of Headmasters posts for upgraded
High Schools in the State.

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