Adverse News publishing in News papers on reapportionment and transfers

 Memo.No.13029/11/2020-EST 3 Dated:17/11/2020.


SE Dept., – Estt III – Adverse News publishing in News papers
on reapportionment and transfers of teaching staff under various
managements viz Government, Zilla Parishad and Mandal Praja
Parishad Schools – Certain Instructions – Issued – Reg


1. G.O.Ms.No.53 School Education (Ser.II) Dept., dt. 12.10.2020
2.G.O.Ms.No.54 School Education (Ser.II) Dept., dt. 12.10.2020
3.This office Proc.Rc.No.13029/11/2020-EST3 dated 14.10.2020
4.Lr.Rc.No.5391/A1/2020 dt. 2.10.2020 of the DEO, Visakhapatnam
5.Lr.Rc.No.1435-A4/2020 dated 26.10.2020 of the DEO, East
6.Lr.Rc.No.6077/B1/B2/A3/A5/020 dt. 27.10.2020 of the DEO,
7. This office Proc.Rc.No.13029/11/2020-EST3 dated 14.10.2020,
19.10.2020, 20.10.2020, 22.10.2020, 27.10.2020, 02.11.2020 and
8. Lr.Rc.No.6415/A3/2020 dated 07.11.2020 of the DEO, West

The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education
and District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the subject cited
and they are requested to issue rejoinder immediately to news agencies, if
any adverse news published in news papers on reapportionment and
transfers of teaching staff under various managements viz Government,
Zilla Parishad and Mandal Praja Parishad Schools under intimation to this


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