Collection of data on less attendance of students in Schools

 Proc. Rc.Spl/A2/ TE/SCERT/2020 Dated: 10-11 -2020 

Sub: School Education – SCERT, AP, Amaravati – Collection of data on less
attendance of students in Schools – Orders issued – Regarding. 

Ref: Note orders of the Director of School Education, AP, Amaravati. Dt: 10-11-

With reference to the cited above, the schools are re-opened from 02-11-2020 and it
was observed less attendance of students in schools. In this regard, it is decided to conduct a
survey to know the reasons for less attendance from the stakeholders

In this connection, all the principals of IASEs/ CTE/ DIETs are instructed to send 10
teaching faculty members of their institute to collect information from the Teachers / HMs,
Parents and Students through Google form. Each faculty member has to visit 3 High Schools
(i.e. one Private and 2 ZP / Govt.) from 3 different villages within 2 days. The clickeble
Google form link as follows: 

(The collected data will be sent by 12-11-2020 without fail.
This has got the approval of the Director of School Education, AP, Amaravati.)

Google Form link  || Proceedings 

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