DSC-2019(IEDSS) – Payment of salaries – Head of Accounts

  Rc.No. ESE02-20021/106/2020-RECTMT-CSE Dated: 24/11/2020

Sub:- School Education-Special DSC-2019(IEDSS)-Payment of salaries to the
post of School Assistants appointed under IEDSS-Instructions issued Regarding.


1. G.O.Ms.No.341 dated: 21.12.2012 of the Finance (SMPC-I)
Department, GoAP.
2. G.O.Ms.No.39, Dated on Dated: 07.04.2015.
3. G.O.Ms.No.65 School Education (Service.II) Department, dated:


The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State
and Ex-Officio, District Projection Co-ordinators in the State are invited to
the references read above. Government in the reference 3rd read above at
point 6 has stated that “ the posts of School Assistant (Special Education)
under Andhra Pradesh Samgra Siksha Abhiyan (SMSA), Inclusive Education
for the Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS) are to be
amalgamated/clubbed/merged with regular posts of School Assistants
under Andhra Pradesh Education Subordinate Service) (APESS) in future.
The same will be done according to Andhra Pradesh State and Sub-ordinate
Service Rules. ” 

In view of the above, it is instructed to take necessary action for
payment of salaries to the appointed School Assistants (Special Education)
IEDSS in DSC-2019 in the following Head of Accounts.

ZPP Schools (Teaching grants to Zilla Praja

Municipal Schools (Teaching grants to

Government Schools (Govt Secondary Schools) : 2202-02-109-00-04-

Further, they are requested to co-ordinate with the respective district
treasury authorities to release the salaries without any delay.

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