H.R. Data Collection – Constitution of HR Monitoring cell at DTA

 Memo. No. FIN02/18069/56/2020-H Sec- DTA, Dated 27/11/2020

 Sub: P. S.- T & A Dept.- H.R. Data Collection – Steps to be taken
by the DDs in the expeditious completion of the HR Data – Instructions –
Issued – Constitution of HR Monitoring cell at DTA – Reg.

Ref: This Office Memo No. FIN02/18069/56/2020-H Sec- DTA, dt. 26.11.2020.

The personal attention of all the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in
the State is invited to the reference cited, wherein instructions were issued
on H.R. Data collection. In this connection they are informed that, H.R.
Monitoring cell has been constituted with the following employees at DTA
office to receive the grievances from the Districts shown against them so as
to liaison with APCFSS for redressal of those grievances

They are therefore requested to escalate their grievances while filling the HR
Data along with the incident numbers if any, raised to the respective
employees of the H.R. Monitoring cell. They will in turn brought those issues
with the Technical team of APCFSS for speedy resolving the grievances /
incidents raised by them. 


The Deputy Directors are also requested to send the grievances together with
incident raised by them in this regard by WhatsApp or e-mail to members of the
HRMC. It is once again reiterated that all the Treasury Officers and Deputy
Directors should personally monitor the progress of work duly speaking to the
DDO’s over phone and guiding them with the help of CFMS help desk members
available in the districts. 

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