Re-opening of DIETs – Standard Operating Procedure(SOP)

 Rc.No.ESE02-15021/244/2020-TRNG-CSE Dated:05/11/2020

Sub:School Education — COVID-19 pandemic — Re-opening of DIETs
and Learning with Physical/Social Distancing — Standard Operating
Procedure(SOP) for Health and Safety protocols to be followed in
all schools functioning under all managements for the academic
year 2020-21 — Certain Instructions — Issued.

1. D.O.Lr.No.40-3/2020-DM-I(A), Dated:30.09.2020 of the
Union Home Secretary, Chairman, NEC, GoI, New Delhi.
2. G.O.Rt.No.433, Health, Medical & Family Welfare (B2) Dept.,
3. F.No.11-16/2020-Sch.4, Dated:05.10.2020 of the Deputy
Secretary to Govt., MHRD, Gol, with regard to Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) guidelines for reopening of schools.
4. D.O.Lr.No.40-3/2020-DM-I(A), Dated:27.10.2020 of the
Union Home Secretary and Chairman, NEC, Gol, New Delhi.
5. File No. ESE02-30/94/2020-A& I- CSE dated 30-10-2020 of
the Director of School Education, A.P.Amaravati.


With references to the subject read above and the circumstances
kept in review all the managements of D.E1.Ed colleges & DIETs in the
State of Andhra Pradesh shall be re-opened on 02-11-2020 in a graded

In this regard, all the Principals of DIET/D.El.Ed colleges are
instructed to follow the guidelines given in the GORT.No: 216, dated: 01-
11-2020 of the Department School Education Prog II.

The District Educational Officers and Regional Joint Directors of
School Education Shall take further necessary action in the matter
accordingly. Standard operating proceedings (SOP) as given by GoI ( as
translated into Telugu) and also the annexures — 1, 2, 3 are enclosed. 

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