School Nursery Yojana (SNY) Programme – Guidelines

 Rc.No.1259325/2020-PLG-CSE Dt: 16/11/2020

Sub:- SE- School Nursery Yojana (SNY) Programme – Circulation and
Implementation of Guidelines – Reg.


F.No:E.1-5/2020 B1 (NAEB), Governmen of India, National Afforestation
and Eco-dvelopment Board, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate
Change, New Delhi, Dated 14-10-2020.


All the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational Officers in
the State are hereby informed that the “School Nursery Yojana” (SNY)
Programme being proposed and implemented by the Ministry of Environment,
Forest and Climate Change, Government of India for the period of 5 years from
2020-21 to 2024-25. 

The School Nursery Yojana aims to provide an environment for the
students to understand and appreciate the significance of plants in maintaining
and sustaining the natural ecosystem. The underlying principle of the scheme is
the concept of ‘Plant and Grow seedlings’. Primary objective is to generate
consciousness about plants and environment and promote plantation activity
through involvement of students.

Every year nursery is proposed to be taken up in 1000 schools. All
Schools recognized by State and Central boards are eligible and will be selected
by Forest Department. Students of class Sixth, Seventh and Eighth may be
engaged for participation in raising of seedlings and for plantation. All activities
like developing nursery, raising and planting seedlings are to be done by
students as part of extra-curricular activities.

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Schools can also engage Mali for help and support in creating
nursery and saplings of different species like forest trees, medicinal plants,
horticultural and fruit trees etc. can be raised. Each School will be provided
financial assistance for establishment of nursery to cover cost of procurement of
tools, implements and other consumables etc.,

All activities of nursery creation to be completed by December of
the implementing year and seedlings raised by students are to be planted in next
planting season. Students may carry the seedlings and plant in their homes or
at any place of their choice and nurture them. Planting can also be done on
vacant land in the school, other institutions, public or private land, home gardens
etc. or during Van Mahotsav or through dignitaries with involvement of students.
Land/place for planting may be identified well in advance.

The Cost of the project is proposed to be met from funds of National
Authority of CAMPA. Monitoring of the scheme will be done by SFDAs and by
Ministry also. The State Forest Department may coordinate with the Department
of School Education for identification of schools and implementation of the
scheme. SFDA will consolidate proposal of all SNY projects from schools from
concerned districts/divisions and the proposal may be submitted to the NAEB
within one month period.

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Each school will be provided financial assistance for establishment
of nursery to cover the cost of procurement of various tools, implements and
other consumables etc. Each school will designate a Teacher in-charge to
supervise and coordinate nursery and plantation activities. List of students along
with number of seedlings raised and planted by each student to be maintained.
Schools should display proper sign boards at both nursery and plantation site,
showing details of the activity.

To synergise it with Eco-club scheme, schools having Eco-clubs will
be given priority in selection for implementation of the scheme. Wherever,
schools selected are also receiving funds under National Green Corps (NGC) Ecoclub programme of the ministry, funds for miscellaneous activities like report
preparations, field study, photography, awards etc. will be suitably deducted by
the amount released under Eco-club programme. 

Each school will receive Rs.50,000/- as grant under this scheme.
Out of this, Rs.40,000/- will be used by each proposer school for creation of
Nursery with essential facilities. Balance Rs.10,000/- will be utilized for
miscellaneous activities like report preparations, field study, photography,
awards etc. In addition, another Rs. 40,000/- will be paid annually to schools for
keeping a nursery trainer/mali.

In case the same school wishes to raise nursery next year or in
subsequent years also, the grant of Rs.25,000/- will be given to meet the cost of
consumables like soil, poly bags, or earthen pots, compost/manure etc. as the  nursery is already established and will require only planting material 

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Each School will submit a detailed proposal elaborating all activities
for raising at least 1,000 saplings of suitable plant species in the prescribed
format to the concerned Range Forest Officer (RFO) of the area who will forward
the proposal to Deputy Conservator of Forests (DCF)/ Divisional Forest Officer
(DFO), who after examining the proposal, will forward it to State Forest
Development Agency (SFDA) with proper recommendations. SFDAs will then
forward the consolidated proposal of all the schools to National Afforestation &
Eco-development Board (NAEB) in the Ministry for further consideration, NAEB,
after appropriate examination will forward the proposal to National Authority,
CAMPA for release of funds.

SFDs will guide the schools and all technical support for raising of
nursery, plantation and post plantation care to schools selected under this
scheme will be provided by them.

In this regard all the RJDs and DEOs are requested to go through
the ‘Guidelines’, Application Form for School Nursery Yojana, Report on Progress
of Implementation enclosed as issued by the NAEB for implementation of School
Nursery Yojana and prepare proposals. Further instructions will be issued

Download Guidelines