Transfers latest Clarifications on 19.11.2020

 Memo.No.13029/11/2020-EST 3 Dated:19/11/2020.


SE Dept., – Estt III – Re-apportion and The Andhra Pradesh Teachers
(Regulation of Transfers) Guidelines, 2020- Clarifications – Issued –

Ref:-1.G.O.Ms.No.53 School Education (Ser.II) Dept., dt. 12.10.2020
2.G.O.Ms.No.54 School Education (Ser.II) Dept., dt. 12.10.2020
3.This office Proc.Rc.No.13029/11/2020-EST3 dated 14.10.2020.
4.Lr.Rc.No.01/Spl/C6/2020 dt.10.11.2020 of the DEO,
5.Lr.Rc.No.5281/A3/2020 dt.12.11.2020 of the DEO, Prakasam.

The attention of the District Educational Officers, Ananthapuramu
and Prakasam are invited to the references cited and they are informed
that the following clarifications are issued:

Ananthapuramu : The individual has availed special
category SPOUSE in Teachers
transfer counselling- 2017. The
individual transferred to other
school, but not relieved and
continuing in old school. Later she
was promoted and relieved.
Requested to clarify that, whether
the individual is eligible for SPOUSE
points in present counselling.

Clarification: If she has availed
special category
SPOUSE points in
8years of service in
any cadre, she is not
be eligible.
If not, she is

Prakasam: The promotion counselling has
conducted on 21.10.20.
The clarification issued with regard
to the candidates who acquired in
the qualified subject with four
papers i.e., from Dr.B.R.Ambedkar
Open University are also eligible.
After clarification issued by the DSE
most of the candidates submitted
their representation for considering
their candidature for promotion to
the post of School Assistant (Telugu
/ Hindi).
a)Whether a fresh counselling may
be taken up duly cancelling the previous counselling which was
conducted on 21.10.2020.
b) Whether the promotion
counselling will be taken up before
the transfer counselling or after
transfer counselling.

Flash...   Not to effect deputations of teachers from the present working schools

Clarification: Take action as per
the clarification
issued by this office

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