05 day – Workshop from 8 th-12th March, 2021 at NIEPA, New Delhi

 Present :: Smt. K Vetri Selvi, I.A.S.,

Rc.No.SS-15023/7/2020-SAMO-SSA Dated:-31/12/2020


AP Samagra Shiksha – Quality Education – SIEMAT – National Institute of
Educational Planning & Administration(NIEPA) – 05 day – Workshop on “Gender
Equity in School Education Challenges and Opportunities” on scheduled from
th-12th March, 2021 at NIEPA, New Delhi on virtual mode – Nominations of
individuals – Certain instructions/Orders – Issued. 


Letter No.SNFE/2020-21/Workshop/MB, dt:-19th December, 2020 from Dr.
Madhumita Banyopadhyay, Professor, Department of School & Non-Formal
Education, NIEPA, New Delhi.

It is informed that the National Institute of Educational Planning &
Administration(NIEPA) is holding a five-day Workshop on “Gender Equity in School
Education Challenges and Opportunities” on virtual mode from 8th–12th March, 2021.

In recent years, various policy initiatives under SSA as well as RMSA and now
the new scheme SMSA have been taken for improving Gender Equity in School
Education. The National Educational Policy, 2020 recently has also emphasized on
improvement of Girls Education for bridging the gender gap in school. 

Therefore, the forthcoming workshop is being conducted to develop capacity
of officials who are striving for implementing gender equity and for improving access
and participation of children. The focus will be on various issues pertaining to Girls
Education like their access to and participation in school, attendance/ absenteeism,
learning achievement, completion, transition and dropout/ retention which prevent
her accessing equal educational opportunities in different States. 


In this connection, the NIEPA has requested to nominate one State Level
Officer who looks after gender related programs and initiatives, two District
Education Officers (DEOs) and from those districts where some initiatives/ innovative
practices have been taken for promoting gender equity in school education and two
Block Education Officers (BEOs) from same districts. 

Hence, the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, AP, Amaravati is pleased
to nominate the following officials for the above said 05 day – Workshop on “Gender Equity in School Education: Challenges and Opportunities” scheduled to be held from
th-12th March, 2021 at NIEPA, New Delhi 

Smt. P. Parvati Devi,
Director, RMSA Contact No: 9121093119 payyavulaparvathi1966@gmail.com 

Smt. C. V. Renuka, District
Educational Officer, West
Godavari District  Contact No:9849909105 deo_wg@yahoo.co.in 

Smt. P. Sailaja, District
Educational Officer, YSR
Kadapa District  Contact No:9849909111 deo_kadapa@yahoo.co.in 

Smt. V. Hymavati, Mandal
Educational Officer, Peravali
Mandal, West Godavari
District  Contact No:9515159438 meo0530wg@gmail.com 

Smt. T. M. Padma Latha,
Mandal Educational Officer,
Mydukur Mandal, West
Godavari District  Contact No:9885651867 meomydukuru@rediffmail.com

In view of the above, the above nominated officers are hereby requested to
develop a write-up of around 5 pages (the nomination form and guidelines for writeup are herewith attached) and present it (preferably in Power Point Presentation) in
the workshop. The write-up should be submitted to NIEPA
madhumitasnfedeptt@niepa.ac.in) on or before 5
th February, 2021 under
intimation to the SIEMAT section of this office. The program will be conducted
through online mode and further details would be sent to participant directly from
NIEPA, New Delhi.

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