Furnish the list of Sanskrit posts upgraded in their respective Districts as per GO 91, Dt:17.12.2018

 Memo. No. ESE02-14025/69/2020-EST4-CSE Dated:08/12/2020 

Sub:- School Education – Upgradation of Language Pandit (Sanskrit post) as
School Assistant – Regarding 


1. Lr. Rc.No.7138/G2/2020, Dated 18.02.2020 & 09.07.2020 of
the DEO, Chittoor. 

2. Memo. No. ESE02-14025/69/2020-EST4-CSE, Dated:05/09/2020 

The attention of the District Educational Officers Srikakulam, Visakhapatnam,
West Godavari, Guntur, Anantapur, Kadapa and Kurnool are invited to the references
read above, and they are once again requested to furnish the list of Sanskrit posts
upgraded in their respective Districts as per G.O.Ms.No.91 dated 17.12.2018 for
taking further course of action in the matter.

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