One day workshop to SLCCs and District teams on We Love Reading

 RC.NO.1258828/Director RMSA/APSS/2020, Dated:11/ L2/2O2O

SUB:AP Samagra Shiksha-Quality Education – Foundational Reading Literacy Implementation of We Love Reading campaign- follow up activities Organising one day workshop to SLCCs and District teams-certain
instructions- Reg.

REF:1. Minutes of the meeting with Principal Secretary, Director of School
Education and State Project Director, Samagra Siksha on L4-70-2020.
2. Rc.No.001/Director RMSA/APSS Dated,21-10-2020.
3″ G.O.Rt.No.22O of Government of Andhra Pradesh, dated 12-Lt-2020.
4. Rc.No.1258828/Director RMSA/APSS, Dated 15-11-2020.
5. Rc, No. 1.258828/Director RMSA/APSS, Dated 25-71-2020.

In continuation to the proceedings of this office on Foundational
Reading Literacy Campaign (We Love Reading)as per the subject and
references read above, it is proposed to conduct one day orientation to the
identified State Level Campaign Coordinators, AMOs, Nodal persons from
DIETs and one strong teacher from each district ont4-12-2020 at the Samagra
Shiksha State Office, Vijayawada. In turn this team has to educate all the
district level and mandal level administrators and School Complex
Headmasters of their districts in the phased manner.

Hence all the’ Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha,
District Educational Officers and the DIET Principals are hereby requested to
depute AMO, Nodal person from DIET and one senior resource person from
your district to attend-the said orientation. Instruct them to report to the
DIRECTOR, RMSA by 9.30 AM  on 14-12-2020 without fail.

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The State Level Officers who are identified as SLCCs (State Level
Campaign Coordinators) are also hereby informed to attend this orientation
without fail, since they have to play a crucial role in monitoring the campaign
in their adopted district/districts effectively.

