Revised orders on Employees E-SR Completion

GOLLAPUDI, VIJAYAWADA 16286/Plg.C/2020 Dt: 12 -12-2020 

Sub: – DPH&FW-CFMS-Implementation of Human Capital Management
module- filling of service events (SR) in e-SR module — instructions Reminder-Reg.

Ref:- 1. G.O.Ms.No.99 (Finance HE-TI-FR) Dept., Dt: 27-06-2018.
2. D.O.Lr.No.2207/PFS/Peshi, Dt: 31-07-2020 of Principal Secretary to
Government, Finance Dept., A.P.
3. This Office Circular Rc.No.016286/Plg.C/2020, Dt: 06-08-2020.
4. Lr.No.PAO/COORD/2020-21/50, Dt: 10-09-2020 of PAO, A.P.,
5.This office Rc.No.016286/Plg.C/2020, Dt: 25.09.2020 & 21.10.2020.
6. G.O.Ms.No.99 Fin (HR-IV FR&LR) Dept., Dt: 03.12.2020.

A copy of the reference 6th cited is here with enclosed
The attention of the all the RDM&HS, DM&HOs, Addi, DM&HOs (A&L), District
DTBCOs, and District Malaria Officers/Medical Officers of all PHCs all the DDOs is invited to
the references 1st to 5th cited, and they are informed that the e-SR entry of all employees should
be completed by
31-12-2020, and any delay in e-SR entry may lead to non acceptance of pay
bills in CFMS. 

Hence personal attention should be bestowed by DDOs in this matter and to see its
completion immediately. 

This should be treated as Most Urgent.
Sd/- Dr.T.Geetha Prasadini
Director of Public Health & Family Welfare (FAC)  

Download Revised order

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