Ammmavodi Reverification Service menu Guidelines

 Rc.No. 27/2020-PLG–CSE, Dt: 02.01.2021

Sub:School Education -Planning – NAVARATNALU Jagananna Ammavodi Programme
Financial Assistant ofRs.15,000/- per annum to each mother or recognized
guardian who is below poverty line household and sending their children to
Schools/Colleges i.e., from Classes I to XII (Intermediate
Education)-Implementation for the academic year 2020- 2021- Certain
Instructions- issued–Reg.


Ref: – 1. This office Progs. Rc. No. file no ESE02-28021/27/2020-PLG-CSE, Dt:
09.12.2020. 2. ESE02-28021/27/2020-PLG -CSE, Dt: 07.12.2020, 21.12.2020,
23.12.2020, 26.12.2020, 27.12.2020, 28.12.2020 towards implementation of
AMMAVODI for the year 2020-2021. 3. Report from APCFSS Dated: 02.01.2021


In continuation to this office instructions issued vide reference read above,
the Joint Collectors, Development, District Educational officers and Regional
Joint Director of School Education in the state are hereby informed that,
during the process of identifying the unique mothers with the technical
support from APCFSS, for extending the DBT under Jagananna Ammavodi for
2020-21, it is observed that, data pertaining to some students in the
eligibility list is not matching with the details of their mothers and hence,
requires reverification. 

2. In order to confirm the eligibility it is decided to take up reverification
of the details of those students only through the Headmasters and Principals

3. For this purpose, necessary provision has been made available in
Headmaster/ Principals login with a service menu (Requires Reverification).
The headmasters and principals shall verify the same duly constituting a three
(3) men committee with the following members:

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a) School Headmaster concerned for the data of I to X and SSC
passed/Principal of Junior College for Inter second year. 

b) a representative from Gram/Ward Sachivalayam 

c) A representative from the Parents Committee in case of Government and
Government Aided schools and colleges and a parent from the PTA in case f
unaided schools and colleges.

4. The Committee shall verify whether the child is properly mapped to her/his
mother or not. If yes, the committee may report as CONFIRMED and if details

5. After careful verification with the above members, the headmasters shall
confirm the verified list and upload the same in their logins. Further, the
confirmed list may be reduced into the form of a statement as per the format
below and the committee may approve the statement and upload the same. The
details of those children that require further verification may also be stated
in that format. 

6. The child wise details are sent to the respective school/college log ins.
Since the candidates for a school ( that for few schools only) may not be more
than 4 or 5, the Headmasters and Principals may attend to this work on
4-1-2021 itself. 

7. Therefore all the Joint Collectors of Development, all Regional Joint
Directors of School Education and the District Educational officers are
requested to bestow their personal attention and issue necessary guidelines to
the filed functionaries to follow the above instructions without fail. 

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Video tutorial of Reverification in Ammavodi website 

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