Model Code of Conduct came into force in the entire State – Ban on transfers

 No.04/SEC-82/2021, Date:08.01.2021

Sub: Ordinary elections to Gram Panchayats – Election schedule announced –
Model Code of Conduct came into force in the entire State – Ban on
transfers – Orders – Issued.

The State Election Commission announced schedule on 08.01.2021 for
conduct of ordinary elections to Gram Panchayats in the State. A copy of the election
schedule is appended to this letter. The lYodel Code of Conduct for local body
elections will come into force with effect from 09.01.2021 and it will remain in force
till completion of all phases of Gram Panchayats elections” As per Para 3(A) of Model
Code of Conduct, when the ordinary elections are notified to the Rural Local Bodies
in the entire State, the lvlodel Code of Conduct is applicable to rural areas only and
not applicable to the urban areas in the State

The State Election Commission directs that there shall be a total ban on the
transfers of all officers directly or indlrectly connected with the conduct of election.
These include but are not restricted to:-

i) All the officers and staff of the State Election Commission. 

ii) All the offlcers and staff members working in the offlce of the
Commissioner of Panchayat Raj. 

iii) Collectors & District Election Authorities. Joint Collectors, Revenue
Divisional Officers, Sub-Collectors and Tahsildars. 


iv) Returning Officers, Assistant Returning Offlcers and all polling personnel
and other officers of Government and local bodies deployed for conduct of
elections to Gram Panchayats. 

v) Offlcers of the Police Department connected with the management of
elections, namely IGs, DIGS, Commissioners of Police, Superintendents of
Police, Additional Superintendents of Police, Sub-Dlvlsional Police Officers,
Circle Inspectors, Sub-Inspectors and other Police officers. 

vi) The transfer orders issued in respect of the above categories of officers
prior to the date of announcement of schedule but not implemented till
date should not given effect to without obtaining specific permission from
the State Election Commission in this regard.

vii) This ban shall be effective till the completion of election process. The
Commission further directs that the State Government should refrain from
making transfers of senior officers who have a role in the management of
Gram Panchayat elections

viil) In cases where transfer of an officer is necessary on account of
administrative exigencies, the State Government may with full justification
approach the State Election Commission for prior clearance.

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