Registration of height measurements of students of classes 1-10

 Registration of height measurements of students of classes 1-10 as
part of the Jagananna Vidya Kaanuka. The details of the height of the child
in centimeters must be entered exactly in the link given in the login of the


Click here to enter into website


First note the height of 190 cm on a wall up to 190 cm

Make sure they are upright when taking height.

The height of the child should be accurately recorded in

Height details of all the children in a class can be pre-written on a
piece of paper to make it easier to register at the link.

Exercise teachers, with the help of CRPs, should complete the
measurement and registration of height.

 Heights Proforma

Proceedings of CSE

Flash...   Meeting with Teacher Associations to discuss on implementation of NEP 2020