Sunday Story time google link for photos upload

 RC.NO.1258828/Director RMSA/APSS/2020, Dated:03.12.2O2O

Foundational reading literacy- implementation of We Love Reading campaign –
follow up activities – Organizing Sunday Story Time – part of this
Campaign – certain instructions.

The State Government have launched a prestigious Foundational Reading
Literacy Campaign in the name of We Love Reading (Chadavadam Makishtam)
This Cafirpaign was launched on 26th November on the occasion of
Constitution Day at State level by Honourable Minister for Home and
Disaster Management Honourable Minister for Education in Guntur. On the
same day, same time the campaign was launched in all district and mandal
head quarters.

In this mission mode programme all children are provided with different
avenues at school, home & village to read in a joyful environment.
Teachers, parents, youth, retired persons, academicians, NGOs etc. will
have to take lead role to run the program to the fullest

The main objective of the Programme is to inculcate continuous reading
habit in students as well as Teachers. For bringing awareness on the
importance of Reading especially during leisure time, it has been decided
to launch Sunday Story Time programme on every Sunday starting from

Everyone is requested to upload a form with atleast 10 to 15 students, it
need not be at any particular place like library or school. It can be
anywhere even at your house.

Google link for photos upload

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