Appeals from teachers for transfer to vacant posts arose due to dismissal of Court Cases – Instructions

 Memo.No.13029/11/2021-EST 3 Dated:-20/02/2021.


SE – Estt.III – Appeals received from the teachers for transfer to
vacant posts arose due to dismissal of Court Cases – Certain
Instructions – Issued

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State
and District Educational Officers in the State are invited to the subject
cited and certain representations are being received from the teachers
stating that they could not opt for the places located in municipal areas as
there were stay orders of Hon’ble AP High Court and now that those cases
have been dismissed, they are requesting for giving them an opportunity
to opt for those places. 

2. In this regard it is clarify that the transfers once completed
can not be reviewed and it is not possible to review their requests at this

3. Hence, the Regional Joint Directors and District Education
Officers are requested to dispose the appeals received from such teachers
on those grounds as per the enclosed format. 


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