Maintenance Grant to Aided schools – certain instructions

 Memo.No. ESE-02-19023/2/2021/CSE dated 30-3-202

Sub : School Education – Aided – Maintenance grant to the Aided SchoolsCertain-Instructions-Issued-Regarding

Ref : 1.Grant in aid Code.
2.G.O.Ms.No. 01 Education Dept Dt: 01.01.1994.

All the District Educational Ofcers in the state are hereby informed
that as per the provisions of Grant-in-aid code and G.O.Ms.No.1
Education dated 1-1-1994, the aided school managements have to strictly
adhere the following instructions.

1. As per Section-28 of GIA Code – “The management of every aided
Secondary School shall submit to the Regional Deputy Director
through the District Educational Ofcer not later than 1st May of
each year a Financial Statement in the form prescribed in Appendix-

2. As per Rule 20 of G.O.Ms.No.1 Education dated 1-1-1994-The
Educational agency shall submit the annual administration report
in the prescribed proforma to the competent authority for
every financial year by the 30th September at the latest. Such
report shall be supported by the audited statement of accounts of
the school duly audited by Chartered Accountant. Separate accounts
shall be maintained for each school. Similarly the educational
agency, which is running more than one school shall also submit
such returns within the stipulated time to the competent authority. 

2. Therefore, all the District Educational Ofcers in the state are hereby
requested to not to recommend any case of any aided school for
maintenance grant unless the school has furnished the annual
administration report for those years as per G.O.Ms.No. 01 Education Dept
Dt: 01.01.1994 with in stipulated time and financial statements as per Section-28 of Grant in Aid Code with in stipulated time.

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3. If any aided school seeks maintenance grant their request may be
returned with a request to furnish the audited annual financial statements
for the years for which they are seeking the maintenance grant.

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