Nadu Nedu- Phase-II – Identify Master trainers at District and Mandal level

 Cir.Memo. No.1361273 /2021/MBNN Dated:05/03/2021

SUB: School Education Dept – Mana Badi Nadu Nedu- Phase-II – Identify
Master trainers at District and Mandal level – Requested – Reg

Government of Andhra Pradesh has taken up the Project Mana Badi
Nadu Nedu Phase-II to provide face lift to all the Government institutions by
upgrading the infrastructure facilities in Govt Schools, Govt Hostels, Junior
Colleges, DIET, CTE & IASEs, Mandal Resource Centres, Bhavitha Centers,
Disabled Welfare Hostels in the State. 

2. It is informed that Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II will commence from
April 1st , 2021 and preparatory work should start immediately to launch
program as scheduled. 

3. As part of the preparation activities Master trainers have to be identified
for conducting training to stakeholders and implementing officers. 

District Level Master Trainers:-

1. Technical – Not less than in the cadre of Executive Engineer/ Deputy
Executive Engineer. (03 members required from each district ) with
Civil Engineering background. 

2. Non-Technical – In the cadre of Deputy Educational Officer/AD/
CMO/ GCDO/ ALS ( 02 members required from each District ) 

Mandal Level Master Trainers:- 

3. Techincal – Mandal Engineer/ Sachivalayam Engineer with civil
Engineering background . (02 members required from each Mandal) 

4. Non-Technical – Mandal Educational Officer/ Head Master /
Active teacher / Cluster Resource Person – ( 02 members required from
each Mandal)

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Criteria to select the Master trainers:

• Person should be actively associated with Mana Badi Nadu Nedu
Program in the District/ Mandal level. 

• Identified trainers should energetic , articulate with a learning attitude
and should possess good communication skills. 

• Age of the person should be below 50 years.

4. Therefore, the District Educational officers and Additional Project Coordinators are requested to select 5 Master trainers for District level and 4
Master trainers from each Mandal based on the criteria mentioned in the above
paras and send the consolidated list to this office by 08.03.2021.

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