Take over the aided Schools from the willing managements

 Memo No.ESE-02-18022/119/2020-PS-3-CSE09/03/2021

Sub : School Education Department – Proposals for take over the aided Schools from
the willing managements – Certain-Information –Called-for Regarding.

Ref : 1.This Office Memo No. ESE-0-18022/119/2020-PS-3-CSE
Dt: 03.11.2020.
2. Information furnished by all the District Educational Officers
in the State.

It has come to the notice of the under signed that that the District
Educational Officers in the State have submitted the information without obtaining
willingness from all the aided managements

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested
to obtain the information from all the managements of aided schools of their
districts and submit the information in prescribed proforma in respect of willing
managements who are willing to hand over the schools including aided teaching,
Non-teaching staff and movable and immovable properties

They are also requested to issue press note in this regard in district
editions and see that the information should reach nook and corner of the Districts.

Further, they are requested to furnish the information in respect of willing
managements and un-willing managements separately in soft and hard copies
through the concerned Assistant Directors on or before 20-03-2021.

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are
requested to pursue the matter with all the District Educational of their
jurisdiction and see that the information should reach to this Office within
stipulated time 

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Proceedings  proforma