Collecting data from aided Schools – Revised instructions and online form

 Memo No.ESE02-18022/40/2021-PS-3 CSE 13/04/2021

Sub : School Education- Collecting data from aided Schools- Instructions
-Issued- Regarding 

Ref : This Office Memo NO ESE – 02  18022/40//2021/PS-3 CSE DT: 30.03.2021

The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State is
invited to the reference cited where in they were requested to obtain and
furnish the data pertaining to the GIA schools through on-line by deploying
teams with one MEO/two Gazetted HMs on 6-04-2021 and 7-04-2-2021.

They are here by informed that as seen from the on-line status of
the data entry as on 12-04-2021, data pertaining to only (72) schools has
been They are hereby informed that the visit format is available
in the child info login of MEOs (https://studentinfo.fiap.figov.fiin/login.fihtm).fi
The format can be downloaded by the Mandal Educational Officers from
their logins at (services tab>School inspection Entry).

Therefore all the District Educational Officers in the State are here
by directed to issue necessary instructions to all the MEOs to download
and furnish the inspection format of concerned aided school to the
respective teams and obtain the flled in formats from the teams and take
necessary action to upload the data from their respective The data
collection and uploading shall be completed by 15-4-2021 without any
further loss of If any schools could not be visited during 6-4-2021 and 7-4-2021, the same may be visited on 15-4-2021.

Flash...   APSIRD Training : Micro Soft District Wise Online Session Links and Registration Links / LATEST APP

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are
hereby requested to monitor the work and see that the online data entry is
completed by 15-4-2021.

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