Re-transfer in the places of other teachers whose places are not shown during transfers

 Rc.No.14024/13/2021-EST-3 Dated:17/04/2021.

Sub:- School Education – Representation for re-transfer in the places of
other teachers whose places are not shown during transfers with
respect to orders of the Hon’ble High Court, A.P. – Speaking Orders
– Issued.

Representation of Syed Rahamathulla Basha, and other teachers,
Rayachoti Mandal, Kadapa District, Dt: 23.03.2021.


Sri Syed Rahamathulla Basha, and other teachers, Rayachoty Mandal,
Kadapa District have submitted representation for the allocation of Urdu
SGT posts in the Municipal area as they were senior teachers in Rayachoty
Municipal area and the places in the area were not shown during the
Teachers Transfers-2020 due to certain court cases.

2) Sri.Syed Rahamathulla Basha, SGT, MPUPS Urdu, Madhavaram,
Rayachoty Mandal YSR Kadapa District and 12 others have fled
W.P.No.5730 of 2021 in the Hon’ble High Court of A.P. and the Hon’ble
court has issued orders as follows:

“In view of the these two guidelines, an appeal can be fled
within 10 days from the date of efecting transfer orders and
Revision shall be disposed of within four (04) weeks from the date
of issue of such transfer orders, but closure of transfer
counselling is not a ground to reject the appeal or revision fled
under Guidelines 19 and 20 of G.O.Ms.No.54, dated 12.10.2020.
Therefore, the rejection order impugned in the writ petition vide
Memo No.13029/11/2021-EST 3, dated 20.02.2021 issued by the
nd respondent is illegal, arbitrary and the same is hereby
declared as violative of Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of
India, consequently set aside the same with a direction to the 2nd
respondent to dispose of the appeal/revision fled by the
petitioners strictly adhering to guideline 19/20 of G.O.Ms.No.54,
dated 12.10.2020 within 15 days/four (04) weeks from today.

Flash...   23 నుంచి 8 వ తరగతికి మాత్రమే..పాఠశాల పునః ప్రారంభం షెడ్యూల్ లో మార్పు

With the above direction, this Writ Petition is disposed of.
There shall be no order as to costs”

3) In this connection, it is hereby informed to the individual(s) that 

 Transfer counselling is taken up basing on the guidelines issued
vide G.O.Ms.No.54 dated 12-10-2020. As per the guidelines,
transfers are effected through web based counselling basing on
the points /preferential categories duly taking district as a unit. 

 Some places are not shown as vacancies due to interim
directions of the Hon’ble High Court. 

 Transfers process was completed on 14-01-2020. Hon’ble High
Court dismissed the cases fled by certain teachers obtained
interim orders to continue in their schools located in Municipal

 Some of the teachers fled Writ Appeals in this regard at
Hon’ble High Court. 

 The Hon’ble High Court while dismissing the Writ Appeals Nos.
80,81,82,83,84,93,95,104,105,108,129,130, 135,139, 142 and
143 of 2021 (16 WAs) fled by the teachers who are working in
the schools located in Municipal limits on 01-04-2021, issued
directions with regard to the said teachers. Presently, the
teachers are continuing in the said schools.
 Now, re-transfer of teachers in the places of other teachers
whose places are not shown during transfers as per the
interim orders of the Hon’ble High Court and as the said
individuals are continuing in the same places, revising
of transfer orders and to post them in the said
vacancies is not feasible at this juncture


4) Therefore, Sri.Syed Rahamathulla Basha, SGT, MPUPS Urdu,
Madhavaram, Rayachoty Mandal YSR Kadapa District and 12 others are
informed that the request to re-transfer them is not feasible at this
juncture as the said teachers are continuing in the same places
basing on the common orders of the Hon’ble High Court dated 01-
, while dismissing the Writ Appeals fled bb the teachers.

5) Accordingly, the request of the Petitioners is considered and

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