Conduction of online classes through DD Saptagiri and Virtual class rooms

 RC.NO. ESE02/SPL/2021-SCERT #Approved By Date#


School Education – COVID 19 Pandemic – Conduction of online classes
through DD Saptagiri and Virtual class rooms – Certain instructions issued –

Ref:- 1) G.O.Ms.No.8 School Education (Prog.II) Dept., dated 12.02.2021.
2) G.O.Ms.No.11 School Education (Prog.II) Dept., dated 18.02.2021.
3) D.O.Lr.No.40-3/2020-DM-I(A), Dated:23.03.2021 of the Union Home
Secretary, Chairman, NEC, GoI, New Delhi.
4) D.O.Lr.No.40-34/2020-DM-I(A), Dated:26.03.2021 of the Union Home
Secretary, Chairman, NEC, GoI, New Delhi.
5) G.O.Rt.No.111, School Education (Prog.II) Dept., GoAP.,
6) This office Memo.Rc.No.151/A=I/2020, Dated:20.04.2021.
7) This office Memo.Rc.No.151/A=I/2020, Dated:29.04.2021
8) Meeting, Dt:25.05.2021 conducted by Hon’ble Minister for Education
with all Recognized Teachers Associations.
9) Review meeting, Dt:27.05.2021 conducted by the Hon’ble Chief
Minister with senior officers of School Education Department.
10) Order No.40-3/2020-DM-I(A), Dated:27.05.2021 of the Union Home
Secretary, Chairman, NEC, GoI, New Delhi.
11) Memo Rc.No.151/A=I/2020,DSE,AP,Amaravathi , Dated 30.05.2021

The attention of all the Regional Joint Director of School Education and
District Educational Officers in the State are invited to the ref 10th cited, wherein
the Union Home Secretary = Chairman, NEC, GoI has issued orders
Dt:27.05.2021 that, the guidelines for surveillance, containment and caution
issued in MHA orders Dt-29.04.2021, as conveyed by Ministry of Health = Family
Welfare (MoHFW), GoI D.O. letter dated 25.04.2021, has been extended up to
30th June, 2021. Further, the Government has undertaken several measures
including strengthening of surveillance for prevention, containment, and control
of COVID-19.

Flash...   NGC Programme Implementation and Monitoring activities

2. Further, keeping in view of the present situation of the State, and since the
Government have decided to postpone the SSC Public Examinations, 2021 due to
second wave of COVID 19, the summer vacation for teachers and students of
Classes I to X for all schools under all managements is extended till 30.06.2021.

3. As per the above situation it was decided to issue a detailed academic
calendar and the said activities to be taken up through, Doordarshan, Radio,
Virtual Class rooms, weBex through YouTube streaming, personal contact
through WhatsApp groups etc., to conduct online education for all classes from
15th June .

4. All the District Educational officers in the state are requested to ensure the
live streaming by using diferent methods. An instruction should be circulated to
all parents not having access for online streaming (Smart Phone/Laptops) should
be reachable through Doordarshan and the concerned Head Masters should
clarify the doubts/clarifcations to the students once in a week.

5. Further the District Educational officers in the state are requested to issue
detailed instructions to conduct the online sessions utilizing the infrastructure
available with the schools and adopt the Vitrual class room platform by duly
identifying the best teachers in the districts concerned for online/ofine
streaming of the academic lessons apart from the live streaming of Doordarshan
to be done at state level by duly constituting a committee with Principal DIETs
as convener for planning the day-wise, subject-wise calendar for steaming of
lessons through virtual mode. 


6. The streaming of Doordarshan schedule will be intimated shortly.

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