Imposing of Curfew in the State up to 10.06.2021

 Memo. No. ESE02-15021/69/2020-EST 5-CSE Dated:01/06/2021

Sub: – SE– Imposing of Curfew in the State to contain the spread of
Covid19 – Certain instructions – Issued-Reg.

1. G O Rt No.192., HM&FW Department, Dated 04-05-2021. 
2. This ofce Pr.Even.No Dt.06.05.2021 
3. G.O.Rt No.902., GAD Department, Dated 07-05-2021.
4. This ofce Pr.Even.No Dt.09.05.2021 
5. G.O.Rt.No.240, HM&FW(B2)Deptt., dated:17.05.2021 
6. G.O.Rt.No.272, HM&FW(B2)Deptt., dated:31.05.2021

Government have further extended the curfew in the State up to 10.06.2021 and
issued orders in the reference 6th read above. A copy of the G.O in the
reference 6th cited, is herewith communicated to all the Staf members of this
Office and all the RJDSEs/DEOs in the state with instructions to follow the
guidelines issued by the Government without fail. 

Encl: As stated above.

D Devananda Reddy 


G.O.Rt.No.272, HM&FW(B2)Deptt., dated:31.05.2021

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