Sanction of death benefits to the deceased police personnel due to Covid


Rc.No.09/V1/2021 Dt:06.05.2021


Sub:- A.P. Police Welfare Division Covid -19 – Sanction of death benefits and other financial support to the deceased police personnel due to Covid – Certain instructions – Issued.

It is very painful to inform that the AP Police has lost 148 Police Personnel including Home Guards during the last one year due to Covid. On behalf of the AP Police family, we pay the deep condolences to the deceased families. At this crucial time, it is the primary and fundamental responsibility of the unit officers to extend the moral and financial support to the bereaved families by sanctioning the following death benefits without any delay.

addition to the above, the deceased families are entitled for various death benefits like Duty period salary, Pending TA, EL Final Encashment, FBF, GIS, APGLI, GPF / CPS Final withdrawal, Family Pension, Bhadratha Exgratia for natural deaths, Compassionate Appointment etc., as per eligibility and rules.

Any kind of major or minor PR if any pending disposal against the deceased, further action to be abated as per Rule 9(7)(a) of Revised Pension Rule. Sanction of any kind of benefit to the deceased family should not be delayed on account of the above reason.

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All the Unit Officers are requested to call the family members/ Legal Heirs of the deceased to their office on any convenient date and clearly explain the various benefits entitled to them and extend the required support/ assistance to them to get the Death & Legal Heir Certificate from the respective authorities and ensure that the Claim Forms to be submitted to the banks, Insurance Coy and to C.O. in time with all the required documents and to issue suitable instructions to the Addl. SPs / DDOS to draw the death benefits of the deceased without any delay.

All the Unit Officers are specifically advised to extend the needful moral support to the deceased families till all the benefits are drawn and paid In case of any employee died while on denotation, it is the responsibility of the diseased from the barrowed dept.